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Clinical Skills Videos

c-spine exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the c-spine including spurlung's, cervical distraction, L'Hermitte, shoulder abduction relief sign, and more.

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elbow exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the elbow including tinel's sign, medial and lateral epicondylitis tests and more.

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Foot and Ankle Exams

Here is a selection of tests for the foot and ankle including thompson test and tarsal tunnel tests

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general physical exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the general msk exam including testing reflexes, and more.

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hip exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the hip including trendelenberg's sign, ober's test, stinchfield's test and more.

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knee exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the knee including lachman's test, anterior drawer, thessaly's test, bounce home test, and more.

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l-spine exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the lumbar spine and SI joint including straight leg raise, Braggart's sign, bowstring sign, SI compression, and more.

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shoulder exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the shoulder and thoracic outlet including hawkin's test, empty can test, glenohumeral instability tests, speed's test, and more.

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wrist and hand exams

Here are a selection of videos related to the wrist and hand including allen's test, froment's sign, phalen's maneuver, finkelstein test, and more.

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