Evidence Based
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- 1000's of participants
Make evidence informed clinical decisions. Here you can browse our growing list of clinically based questions and quickly review contents of a systematic review or meta analysis. We have used a standardized tool (AMSTAR) to rate the methodological quality of the study, and provide you with "at-a-glance" information about guideline recommendations if they exist for that topic.

- 105 Videos
- 9 categories
Quickly review your physical exam skills. Learners often report that acquiring MSK related clinical skills is one of the most difficult tasks in school. Here you have access to a growing number of video demonstrations with voice-over explanations of each skill.
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We strive to make this website the most visited, and best respected, destination for health care practitioners seeking evidence based guidance for the treatment of musculoskeletal impairments.
We know this means making it available no matter what device you are using.

The site is made by clinicians for clinicians. The focus is to put the skills and information into the hands of those at the front lines taking care of patients. We know it is you, the clinician, who can have the biggest impact on patient care.
We are here to serve you including Medical students, Residents, Family doctors, Orthopedic surgeons, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialists, Sports Medicine doctors, Rheumatologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Kinesiologists and more.
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